Tuesday, 13 June 2017


So everyone,

This first exam is tomorrow, so this may be the final time you look at the blog (thought I am adding some things as we speak up until about 5pm).

Here is the most GENERAL advice I can give you.

1. Stick to your timings. If you mess up your timings, then you will struggle. It may be that you finish section B with a little time to spare and can go back to add one or two PGs onto the speech section, but don't count on this. Aim to get your planning and essay of Section A done in about 65 minutes, and then spend 55 on the 'Language Issues' question.

2. Section A - Introduce each text independently and then aim to write 6-8 separate points on each texts, making brief comparisons to the other text along the way.

3. Make sure you make a variety of points, considering how the context, audience and position of speakers is affecting what is being said. Make sure you cover ALL the key points in each text - don't just focus on the top half of the text.

4. Ensure you are COMPARING the texts in your essay (look at the example I'm putting on here if you are stuck).

5. Use LOTS of terms where relevant, especially specific Speech Terms. Don't classify every words, but do make a big deal out of IMPORTANT words.

6. Not all PGs need to be huge. If your first 2, for example, are very detailed, but your third points is not quite so significant, it can be much shorter. Again, see example.

7. In total, your essay should be between 12-15 paragraphs long.

8. Section B - There will be a choice of three questions but YOU MUST ONLY ANSWER ONE. Choose the question very wisely based on what subject area (situation/power/standardnonstandard) you know best. DO NOT ATTEMPT ANY QUESTION TO DO WITH CHILD LANGUAGE LEARNING/ACQUISITION - YOU HAVE NOT LEARNED THIS.

9. You need to answer on the extract for about 2-3 paragraphs, and then write at least 4-5 paragraphs of the essay on your wider reading. You must read the question extremely carefully so that you know which sources are relevant to use. In total, this essay should be around 6-9 paragraphs long, though some might be very detailed..

10. You must include some relevant theories and quotes from theorists to hit the top marks.

11. Your stimulus text will either be an extract of some sort, in which case you need to pick out quotes and explain how/why language is working the way it is in relation to your question; or it may be a piece of writing where someone is expressing an opinion. If someone is expressing an opinion, you should isolate their ideas, analyse the quotes using terms, and try to apply theories to what they have said  (for example, say whether or not they are descriptivist/prescriptivist and talk about which theorists would agree/disagree with them.)

12. DO NOT PANIC. Whatever questions you get, pick your strongest option, then spend some time recalling some relevant points from your wider reading. Then just treat it like any other essay where you write to the best of your ability. Panicking NEVER helps.

Good luck and keep checking the blog.

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