Sunday, 4 June 2017

COMPONENT 1B - Don't panic

ive had an email basically saying that the stuff on the blog so far is helpful, but how the heck are we supposed to fully memorise like 50 texts for 1B.

Simple answer, you don't. You just need about three GREAT points from a selection of texts.

So, for political power, you might look at JFK's inaugural address. You don't have to memorise the speech: just choose three language features that are pragmatically significant, such as his use of hyperbole when referring to atomic weapons, or his use of code switching to sympathise with some people and warn others. Or his use of anaphora to hammer home certain points.

But make sure they are the best three/four examples you can possibly choose - ones which show off a range of accurate terms, but also link heavily to context/audience (e.g., pragmatics)

That's easily enough to write a brilliant paragraph.

I'll TRY to add more stuff today, but if not there'll be all kinds going on this week - plus, remember that the lessons are still carrying on. We'll go over some 'how to construct a response' examples in lessons.


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