Ok, so here is the GENRERAL OVERVIEW of Friday's exam.
You will be given a choice of two questions 1 & 2. Each question has three parts - a, b & c.
You can choose to answer either 1 or 2 - but you MUST answer ALL THREE PARTS of whichever question you choose.
So, either:
1a, 1b & 1c
2a, 2b & 2c.
There is NO WAY that you can choose to answer some parts of Q1 and some parts of Q2. You can not leave out ANY part of the question you choose.
Understand? :)
The paper is 1hr 45mins long.
Parts a & b of whichever question you choose will be short creative writing tasks on different genres.
You are advised to spend around 40 minutes on each of these tasks - so a total of 80 minutes.
Part c asks you to write a short commentary on ONE of the two tasks you have written. NOT BOTH.
You are advised to spend around 25 minutes on this task.
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