Tuesday 6 June 2017

COMPONENT 1B - Revision Lesson 2

So, today we looked at Standard/Non-Standard - Attitudes towards dialect.

Again, thanks to the 8 of you who came along. It's good to see so many of you that care about going out of your way to achieve.

To begin with, here is the question we looked at:

" Using this extract as a starting point, discuss how peoples’ attitudes towards non-standard dialects can differ and affect how language is used."

Before we went anywhere, we looked at the theories which we can apply to this discussion.

Please familiarise yourselves with the following:

Donald MacKinnon (1996) categorises the attitudes people may have to language use:

lLanguage use as correct or incorrect

lLanguage use as pleasant or ugly

lLanguage examples as socially acceptable or unacceptable

lLanguage examples as morally acceptable or unacceptable

lLanguage examples as appropriate or inappropriate in their context

Jean Aitchison
The Three Possibilities in Language Change

A slow decay

i.      the ‘damp spoon’ syndrome

ii.      the ‘crumbling castle’ view

iii.      the ‘infectious disease’ assumption

Please also have, in front of you, the 'Standard/Non-Standard' booklet which I gave out to you just before the half term.
If you don't have it, here are the texts we will be using.

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